
Is legacy dredge worth it
Is legacy dredge worth it

is legacy dredge worth it

Because of this I don’t think it should see any play in Legacy, as most decks cannot reliably cast it or search for it if they don’t open with it in their starting hand (generally odds of 40% or less, assuming no Serum Powder type shenanigans).

is legacy dredge worth it

It is terribly designed as it requires no skill, and is based on luck. Leyline of the Void – Personally I think this card is garbage. If you refrain from going all in this will certainly slow you down, but it won’t shut you down and lose you the game (similar to Crypt and Relic). Because of this you won’t see many of them in tournaments, but for the experienced Dredge player it is also relatively easy to play around. Ravenous Trap – Honestly this card is pretty bad against everything that isn’t Dredge, and that means it shouldn’t be played since Dredge is a very small part of the metagame right now. Of the two Relic is most often better because it isn’t a single shot deal like Tormod’s Crypt, but they aren’t going to kill you usually because they are both answered by Needle and Grudge, or by slow Dredging enough to just force the opponent to pop them. It’s still quite likely you will run into them though here and there as sideboard trends fluctuate, but these artifacts generally only slow you down and you have excellent sideboard tools against them such as Pithing Needle and Ancient Grudge. Relic of Progenitus/ Tormod’s Crypt – Both of these cards are seeing less play currently, as most people prefer to run Faerie Macabre (can be searched up with Survival) or Extirpate. There are generally so many potential targets that getting rid of just a couple isn’t good enough. It can work wonders against other decks, but a properly built Dredge deck can almost completely ignore the loss of two cards from the graveyard. Faerie Macabre – This is another card that is generally quite weak versus Dredge. The good news for Dredge players is that Extirpate is usually weak against you, as you will often need to be Extirpated 3 times to get locked out of a game, and a single Extirpate does relatively little but slow down the game. It is also quite good against anything playing Life From the Loam. After the jump let’s take a look at the available options that are most often played.Įxtirpate – This is seeing tons of play right now to neuter the Vengevine aspect of Survival decks. This is great news for Dredge since people are now packing graveyard hate that is quite weak against Dredge. Nowadays Vengevine Madness is slowly starting to dominate, and various decks and their sideboards are adapting to help fight the Vengevine menace, and are tailoring graveyard hate specifically for attacking this threat. A lot of people dislike this characteristic of Legacy (and old Extended formats), but I think it’s great.

is legacy dredge worth it

Tons of decks are viable and therefore it’s very hard to attack or defend the format from one specific angle. Legacy is a format that is constantly in flux.

Is legacy dredge worth it